Where do I begin? Let’s start with the changes that are now in effect. Starting Wednesday, October 9th, hours of operation will be expanded to include daytime hours between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. as well as the original evening hours of 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This change is part of a grander plan to incorporate community acupuncture options into my regular schedule, which will hopefully help Zen Oasis grow enough to move to its own dedicated space in the next year. In order to facilitate all of this, I am now giving my role as healer all my focus and attention – as of September 30th, 2024 I no longer have a “day-job” at an office. Zen Oasis is now my full-time job!

This is very exciting, and as part of this expansion project I will be playing with different schedules, different social media platforms and content themes, and I am also looking into a different booking site. Please bear with me as I transition into all these new normals. As I prepare a space for community acupuncture, I will be doing some remodeling and renovating and I again ask for your patience and understanding while these are underway. Things may be a bit messy or chaotic and schedules may be a bit off – Safety will always be a priority and if we are working on an area that poses any safety risk or restricts access to the restroom I will have to block off appointment times that coincide with any such work.

Also, if you tried to schedule an appointment between September 27th and October 8th you may have found there were no appointments – that is because I have been dealing with damage from Helene, including 7 days without power! It didn’t even occur to me to make an update on the website and I’m not even sure I could have with limited power and internet options. The schedule is now back open for appointments starting October 9th. Also, someone pointed out to me that the new patient booking form was not functioning properly – that has been fixed! I apologize for that – I’m not sure what happened but it’s back to normal now. You can always email me using the “contact us” form or call 803-673-9578 to schedule an appointment either as a new or an existing patient if the online booking is giving you trouble or if you would just rather schedule that way.

Lastly, I hate that I have been slacking on posting seasonal wellness care tips – I hope that is something that will change along with all these other changes. The main issue was time – trying to balance a full-time office job, keeping up with household chores and projects, and running an acupuncture practice was taking a toll on me. I just didn’t have the time to devote to anything as I was spreading myself much too thin. As part of my social media content experiments I will be doing “Wellness Wednesdays” – short videos talking about various wellness strategies, routines, ideas, etc. I am a writer by nature but videos are the thing nowadays so I’m going to step very far outside my comfort zone, put down my pen, and try this video thing out. So stay tuned for the first Wellness Wednesday coming this week. It will be posted here, as well as on our social media pages which are currently Facebook and Instagram (but I will work on creating a TikTok soon).

PS – I wanted to get this update out quickly since I lost a little over a week of prep time dealing with the storm damage but I promise the next one will be more visually appealing. I know these have been so boring and blah but change is on its way!


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